A typical Monday
- 5:45 Alarm goes off
- Relish in the fact that I actually
have 15 more minutes of sleep and turn off my alarm
- 6:00 Second alarm goes off (I just
like waking up and knowing I don't actually have to get up for a whole 15
- 6:03 Third alarm goes off
- 6:05 Fourth alarm goes off
- 6:07 Wonder if I can skip
showering for the
secondthirdfourth day in a row - 6:10 Decide I can just rinse off
and wear a headband
- 6:15 Skip rinsing off
- 6:17 Get out of bed and look in
the mirror, decide I in fact can not skip rinsing off and hop in the
- 6:20 Make that good good coffee
- 6:25 Ponder why I ever decided
being a teacher was a good idea (this takes a full five minutes)
- 6:30 Decide natural beauty is
better, and forgo makeup because realistically I would sweat it off anyway
- 6:35 Pick out whichever
past-the-knees dress isn't sweaty from the day before, as well as a
cardigan because it is COLD in Thailand (this is very sarcastic)
- 6:40 Look in the mirror and decide
this is as good as its going to get
- 6:45 Gulp down an entire pot of
coffee and scald my throat in the process
- 6:50 Bumble down to Chelsea's
apartment where she is sitting on her couch in her slippers that she wears
around her apartment 24/7 because she is oh so Thai
- 6:51 Talk about what would happen
if we just didn't go to school that day
- 6:55 Convince ourselves we have to
go to school
- 6:57 Get on our moto half asleep
- 7:00-7:25 Drive to school/ avoid
hitting/being hit by other motos, busses, cars, stray dogs, Thai people
wandering into the middle of the street without looking/ narrowly avoid
- 7:26 Wait for my blood pressure to
return to normal and thank God that we made it to school alive for another
- 7:27 Attempt to wipe the sweat off
that is dripping down my face with my bandana that I wear over my mouth in
hopes that it blocks some of the air pollution from getting into my lungs
(it doesn't)
- 7:30 Get hugged/kissed by the lady
who sells fish for breakfast outside of our school every morning. Fish. At
7:30 in the morning.
- 7:30-8:30 "Lesson plan"/
morning assembly where I have no idea what they are saying but it involves
lots of bowing/marching/sweating because it takes place in the blazing
sun. There is a little part that is in English and still to this day I do
not know what they are saying. Kids also throw up a lot so it's a good way
to start the day
- 8:30-9:30 Fourth grade math
- Quiz each student on their times
tables before they have to sit down (discreetly use my fingers to do the
9s because I am that good at math)
- Tell students to draw a BINGO
board on their papers so we can play math bingo
- "NO rulers. You do not need
rulers just draw lines"
- Students all take out rulers
- Try and speed up the process by
helping them draw lines
- Students start over because one of their lines was not perfect
- Wait for students to finish drawing their
BINGO boards (time elapsed: 45 minutes)
- Call out the first question
- Bell rings
- Class is over
- 9:30-10:30
NapLesson plan - 10:30-11:30 5th grade math (5/5)
- Tell students to take out their
workbook and open to page 35.
- "Teacha math notebook?"
- No, math workbook.
- "Teacha what page?"
- Page 35.
- Go around individually to the
students who are still taking out their math notebook and tell them to
take out their math workbook.
- Wait five minutes for them to
rifle through their desks and locate their math workbook
- While I am waiting, the rest of
the class has decided it is play time and start running around the
classroom hitting each other with rulers
- Chase the kids who are running
around the room and tell them to sit down
- Go back to the students who have
simply forgotten they are looking for their math workbooks in their desk,
and try and find their workbook
- Make a fool out of myself by trying to explain math to kids with limited English. Lots of hand motions/dances
- 11:30-12:30 LUNCH
- Walk to get lunch at a stand by
our school. We eat kai geow (omelet with rice) every day.
Every. Day. Maybe once every two weeks we will get something different
like chicken and rice or curry but every time we don't eat it I feel incomplete.
- 12:30-12:45 Vocabulary
- I try and explain words that my
32 6th graders have picked out from their textbooks that they "don't
- Such words have included:
- penis
- vagina
- scrotum
- sperm
- testes
- gonorrhea
- So vocab is always really fun and
not awkward at all
- 12:45- 1:30 Other 5th grade math
Organizedchaos- 1/3 of the class are at a 7th
grade math level
- 1/3 of the class struggles with
- 1/3 of the class has ADD so
severe it takes them the entire class to finish a single problem. I do
not exaggerate. I applaud them when they finish three problems.
- Nutt #1 stares into space the
entire time and when I ask her what number she is on she gets distracted
before even answering me
- Nutt #2 is hanging off my arm
talking to me while I am trying to teach
- Peepo sips his water out of his water-bottle's cap with his pinky raised and I laugh every single time
- Tor is an angel who wears his
pants up to his neck
- Toang (I don't know if I should
pronounce is Tang or Tong so I just call him TangTong) is running around
the room because he is the first one finished
- Ong must have 20/20 vision because I need a magnifying glass to read his writing

- They also refuse to use pencil so
when they get an answer wrong which is 80% of the time they get out their
"liquid" and white out the entire page and then have to wait
for it to dry
- Liquid is the bane of my
- Class is dismissed
- 1:30-2:30 Grade and initial the 50+
workbook/notebooks I have collected throughout the day. "Teacha I want your swish swish swish!" I imagine this is how famous people feel when they have to autograph things. I am famous.
- 2:30-3:30 Conversation class with my 6th grade
- I used to hate this class because it's the last one on a Monday and my class loves to annoy the hell out of me but they are so funny they always put me in a good mood
- My greatest teaching moment to this day was when we were playing pictionary and I asked someone to draw Kanye West.
- "Teacha I do not know who
that is?"
- I ask another student.
- "I do not know Teacha"
- I asked entire class if they knew
who Kanye West was. All I received were blank stares.
- "Kim Kardashian?"
- Nothing.
- I started a slow clap. No one
joined in.
- 3:30-4:30 Forced to stay at school
simply because.
- 4:30 Sprint out of the school
where I almost knock down 1st graders in my haste to leave
- Moto home and avoid pedestrians at all cost (one time I did not succeed...)
- 5:00 lay horizontal for as long as possible
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