The next morning as we were cruising around Krakow we spotted some beer being sold in an outdoor market which we couldn't bear to pass up. We were wondering why no one else was walking around drinking beer!
We took a few beers for the road and wandered up to Wawel Hill and Wawel Castle, which paled in comparison to Prague.
Our beer supply was running low so we made a quick pit stop to try homemade Polish vodka. The first two we tried were violet and white rose- not too shabby.
Pinky up!
The second ones were chocolate and strawberry- I would gladly drink this for the rest of my life.
After getting slightly intoxicated we thought, hey, now is the perfect time to go souvenir shopping!
Abby bought this shirt.
And then we ended up back by the beer. Bless you Poland and your cheap everything.
Abby said everything I say sounds like the Grumpy Cat. I don't know what she is talking about.

Classiest person you will ever meet!
This couple thought we were psychos highly entertaining. The woman would listen to what we were saying and then translate for her husband. I think at one point we offered her some of our pierogis- right off the fork. We also informed her if you go to Chipotle on a certain day dressed as a burrito, you can get a free burrito. They excused themselves after Abby belched. Really doing Americans proud! We had a good time.
Then we made our way back into the town square with our beer, where we were informed you actually cannot carry beer around in public.
Abby nursing the shit out of her beer.
We went back to our hostel to get our luggage where I might have taken a quick snooze on the couch. Around 9:40 we decided to leave to catch our overnight train to Budapest, which I believed to be leaving at 10:22. On our way there I was taking my sweet ol' time, because after all we had 40 minutes to get to the train station.
I guess I got the time wrong (that never happens! because Abby said our train was actually leaving at 10:11 so once again we were sprinting through a foreign city with our rolly suitcases. Right as we boarded the train it took off, and we realized we both were wrong and the train actually left at 10:01. At least we made it.
After a ten hour train ride we would be in Budapest in the morning, hopefully by some miracle not hungover!
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